Does it work?
Yes, Reading Head Start is used by more than 5 million families and counting.
How Much Time?
To grasp it properly, you need about ~15 minutes daily to complete the lessons.
$1 free trial. Also available for monthly, yearly, and lifetime memberships.
This is a very concise program designed by teachers that walks you through how to teach your child to read. The paltry $1 trial and 365 days money-back guarantee makes it a no brainer.
Hello parents and guardians, its Helen, Nere, and Pamo with the Single-Parent.club editorial team once more. We are super excited you stopped by to read our in-depth honest review of the much talked about a program that teaches your monster to read, Reading Head Start
As is traditional with all our reviews, we make sure we get hands-on with the product, test it, evaluate critique it before we can come up with our honest review as a trusted website.
A Hands-on Review by 3 moms
Each one of us nominated a child (ours or a relative’s) and put them through the test of the program. This we did to ensure we came up with our own personal results without bias.
Being that we are 3 individuals, we are likely to have diverse opinions about the Reading headstart app, so whenever there is a tie, the third person breaks the ice. We have made it a policy never to review any program, product, or service that we have not put through our in-house grueling test.
So, be assured that these reading programs for kids have gone through the same process and here we bring you our review, which we are sharing for all to read and be informed. We have evaluated its videos, PDFs, member area downloads (because we have access to the member login area) and we are proud to publish our final reviews.
Before we start, we have to warn you to ensure you get Reading Head Start from the official website linked above and around this review. There have been reports of nefarious marketers’ shortchanging users. To be on the safe side, click the button and head straight to the official website where you will get it at the official price and be sure of what you are receiving.
So, let’s dive straight in.
What is Reading Head Start

Reading Head Start is a Program that kids learn to read using phonics
Just as you may guess from the name, Reading Head Start is simply a program designed by teachers to teach your child to read. Its a fact that children who learn reading early always have an intelligent head start in life.
It’s not a physical product that is delivered via the delivery man rather is a digital online subscription program that has helped many children learning reading.
Because the present curriculum thought in schools has stagnated, there is an urgent need for you to privately teach children how to read to equip them with the necessary early childhood reading skills.
The Reading HeadStart program makes kids reading fun and interesting exercise which gets them hooked on phonics and reading generally. When it comes to how to teach your child to read, there are few kids reading programs that can compare.
Who Created Reading HeadStart?
The program was created by Sarah Shepard, who happens to be an English teacher with over 14 years of teaching experience. She is also a wife and mother of three.
She said that the need for her to create the program arose when her 6-year old son returned home with an English grade that low and she considered it a nightmare, coming from the child of an English teacher.
That was the genesis, as she realized that parents are not to blame nor the child. Not even the teacher, but the outdated process of teaching English to children. She concluded that such a process leads to children not keeping up with peers academically and slow reading.
Having narrowed down the problem, she set sail to come up with the Reading HeadStart method. Her goal was to change how reading is taught to children and focus on methods that yield quick results.
How does Reading Head Start work
Reading Headstart program is an online resource that can be accessed with an app. To gain access to the member login area, you need to choose any of the affordable subscription packages, monthly, yearly, or lifetime access that ensures you don’t have to renew every month/year.
Based on the recommendations of the program creator, we tried it out for 15 minutes a day and three days a week for one full month using a smartphone, tablet, and also a personal computer laptop. In all, the user experience appears very interesting and captivating for kids.
Packed with many educative and informative exercises and worksheets, the process of learning becomes very attractive and fun for the kids. It becomes a sort of addictive to kids and this leads to early head start to reading.
Divided into four levels, with each level having a slightly different level of difficulty, it’s designed in a way that kids start from the bottom and work their way up. The path to the top ensures the kids gain knowledge as they move along. At the end of each level, the Reading Head Start certificate earned becomes a very huge motivation for them to learn even more.
Packed in a 40 weeks progression pattern, and considering the 15 minutes a day and 3 days a week standard, it will be ideal for your kid to commence using the program approximately one year before they are enrolled in school. Your child will complete the entire course within this period without burning out.
The Techniques used inside the Reading HeadStart Member Area
Because the user agreement stipulates we are not to disclose the details about the methods stated in the member area after login, we cannot reveal that much.
However, we can is that the methods are scientifically proven to build the ability of children to learn reading. It includes a clearly implementable step-by-step guide on how to teach your child to read.
Below is a brief intro of these methods
Linguistic Development and Communication Skills – This method enhances your child’s language skills and communication skills.
Positive Social Interaction – The ability to be able to communicate with people of different ages devoid of problems is another social skill that the program will imbibe into the child.
Psychological Fortitude – The program helps in building the child’s self-esteem and self-confidence.
Optimal Neurological Growth – The ability to develop a child’s brain is another big technique that is used by the Reading HeadStart.
To understand more about these methods and techniques, we invite you to WATCH THIS VIDEO.
It was made by the program creator for parents and guardians that want to understand more about the methods before joining.
What Benefits will be derived from Reading Head Start
Doing a detailed analysis of the benefits of this detailed program into this Reading Head Start review is not going to be easy. We will rather run an overview of the materials that are in the member area.
Printable Flashcards
Much popular in the past, these printable flashcards provides a way for kids to adopt reading skills and memorize new information for a long time.
There are lots of entertaining and educative worksheets that will keep the children studying with keen interest.
Colorful, themed, great quality, and strategically created to engage and enhance the memory of kids.
Short Passage
Based on the words mentioned in the program, the short passages are another hugely important material included in the reading headstart plan.
Lesson Plans
Organized in a step-by-step manner, these lesson plans enable parents and guardians to teach your child to read words. It’s adaptable at home or in classrooms.
Overview and Content/Modules
Because Reading Head Start is a digital online program, there are no physical items to get. But the program gives parents access to a compendium of resources to which parents can use on how to teach kids to read.
These program resources are made in many varieties, which include:
– Videos
– Worksheets
– Picture Cards
– Sounding Out Cards
– Irregular Word Cards
– Advanced Phonics Cards
– Letter Cards
– Letter Formation
We feel this variety is necessary as they all combine to ensure children learning reading at an early age. Because there are new things every time, learning becomes interesting for them and they look forward to it.
Does the Program Work or is It a Scam?
It works. With our 1 month test run on 3 kids, it didn’t take much to see that Reading Head Start works. This is made simp,e because the program follows a common-sense approach. These include teaching the kids the sound value of letters, which the child, in turn, use their logic to decode unfamiliar words.
Because schools do not incorporate fundamentals like letters and sounds fundamentals, Reading Head Start is the resource that the children can use to find their way through words that they are not familiar with.
We can confidently state that it inculcates the basics of the English language in children. assisting parents to teach children how to read. We have the belief that this will place these kids on top in the future, at least when it comes to reading English.
Even children that didn’t meet up reading for their age bracket can pick and meetup their peers if they follow this reading headstart.
One intriguing advantage of the program is that children tend to read at levels slightly higher than their levels. At the next level of their development, they are sure to lead their peers, all thanks to reading head start.
Cost/Price Plans
Pricing is a crucial deciding factor for most people when evaluating any product or program. When we saw the price of a reading head start at first, we erroneously assumed it was higher than normal. But after skimming through the video-presentation, we concluded that the price for the program is ideal.
The detailed pricing plans are as follows:
$37 per month
$197 per year
$197 for lifetime access (New Limited Time Offer)
(these prices were obtainable at the time of writing this review. They may change with time, however)
Very importantly, you can test-run it for 3 days with just $1, and if you are satisfied, you can decide to continue with the $37 per month plan
Customer Service Contact Info
To reach the reading head start customer service team, you have to submit such complaints, concerns, or questions through their official website Contact Us link.
Click Here to head to the Reading HeadStart website
PROS and CONS of Reading HeadStart Review
Some of the things that makes Reading Head Start worth the money invested include:
1. As the fundamental activity in learning, many reading activities will encourage the kids to take to reading.
2. A Childs confidence and self-esteem can get a boost by early reading, thereby helpful in their lives.
3. The Reading Head Start methodology is tested and trusted and rated as very effective on how to teach your child to read.
4. No doubt that kids that grasp reading early in life have a positive effect on the child’s future school success.
5. It’s easy to use for both parents and the kids, so teaching and learning are made much easier.
6. The low pricing ensures the program is available to and affordable by as many people as possible.
7. The engagement which the kids get from the interactive reading games, a big part of the program is fantastic, and cannot be readily quantified
It’s only normal that there could be some downside to every good program. Here are some cons we found out about Reading Head Start:
1. Without an e-device like a smartphone, tab, or laptop, you cannot gain access to the program, unlike traditional books.
2, The 3 of us are undecided if the 9-month course duration is too long or it’s just ok.
3. The $597-lifetime access sounds a bit high to us. Not that we have seen anything close to the quality of the Reading Head Start that compares at price.
4. The limited-time discount to get the program on the cheap, means parents have to abandon their normal duties and scramble to get it before the deal goes off the table.
5. We also feel the 3 days $1 trial could have been extended to maybe 1 week.
6. The claim that the reading head start can prevent dyslexia cannot be explained by us. As a condition with many programs and tools to abate it, or at least improve reading skills in children with dyslexia. This fact not being properly highlighted makes us feel it an unverifiable claim. However, we opine that the program does not offer skills to help children with dyslexia.
Are there things that can be done better?
If they looked at the cons itemized above and changed as much as possible, we feel it will be more beneficial as the default reading programs for kids.
Coming up with a physical (make book version), doing something about the 9 months as well as taking a look at the lifetime $597 price tag will help you afford to teach your child to read.
Are we satisfied with Reading Head Start?
We are very satisfied with the approach which Reading Head Start uses in giving kids a head start in reading. The fact that children learn reading while enjoying themselves makes it a goldmine.
It’s a fact that children grasp learning faster than adults, the sound value of letters, which is a major part of the teaching pattern of this program taps into this to enable children to learn even faster.
The children we incorporated loved the interactive games, while we loved the workbooks, videos, and worksheets. The variety is very impressive.
Another very good attribute of the reading head start is that it kind of compels children who are not known for following routine to do so. This came in handy with one of the kids that we tried it with. She totally changed and adapted to the routine, and paid off beautifully.
For kids that love visuals, the videos are a gold mine while for kids that are more on the kinetic learning angle, the reading headstart is indispensable.
This program helps children in becoming better readers and will go a long way in their self-confidence and boosting self-esteem as they grow up.
Competitors and Alternatives to Reading Headstart
When it comes to child care programs on how to teach kids to read, there is a handful out there. The difference is in the methodology and the little things that matter.
We were able to narrow down those that are worth a look in for your kids. Here we list them out:
1. Children Learning Reading
2. All About Reading (Levels 1-4)
3. ABCmouse.com
4. Epic! Books for Kids
5. Hooked on Phonics
6. Highlights for Children
Our Final Conclusion on Reading Head Start Review
While children learning reading is very important, having them hooked on phonics is not all there is to a child’s dyslexia.
Though it’s advisable to get an expert diagnosis for dyslexic children, Reading Head Start can go a long way to helping teach your monster to read, especially at an early age.
When it comes to how to teach kids to read, there are fewer reading apps that can do better than this Reading Headstart review.
Sarah has pulled off a great feat by putting this reading program together in a bid to give children an intelligent head start in life. She has demonstrated passion and zeal to help parents in ensuring that their children can grasp reading skills in the early stages.
Caution about Early Childhood Education
- Once Behind, It’s Difficult to Catch Up
37% of children today enter Kindergarten without the skills necessary to begin their learning journey and that’s troubling.
By the end of first grade, kids are expected to ask questions and remember story details.
- Poor Reading Leads to Dropping Out And Poverty
Children who are not reading at grade level by fourth grade are four times more likely to drop out of school and thirteen times more likely to drop out if they also live in poverty.
Did you know that one out of seven adults have such low literacy skills that they can’t read anything more complicated than a child’s picture book?
Illiteracy doesn’t just lead to low self-esteem. It also leads to poverty and crime.
If a child isn’t reading at grade level by that point, there’s an 88% likelihood that he will still be behind in reading by fourth grade.
And that could change their entire lives, because according to a U.S. Department of Education data, as many as 44 million U.S. adults, or 23 percent of the adult population, lack literacy skills.
Numerous researches and studies have been sighted to advocate the importance of early childhood reading.
A Publication by The National Institute for Literacy and The Partnership for Reading outlines things you can do with your child at kindergarten, first grade, and second and third grades to help him become a reader.
In our usual manner, we have exciting bonuses lined up by our in-house team here. These are resources we are giving our readers completely free to complement their interest in Reading Head Start. Here they are:
Empowering The Child
Encourage, strengthen and nourish your child with these powerful concepts
Schooling Selection Strategies
A parent’s guide to their children’s schooling
Your Child’s Mental Health
What you need to know about children’s mental state
All you have to do to get these exciting bonuses completely free is to enter your verified email address in the form below and have the bonuses sent to your email immediately.