How to Deal with Parental Alienation Against Mothers

The topic of parental alienation against mothers is not only widespread but also has serious consequences for both the mother and the child. It is therefore essential to have a deeper understanding of this issue and take action to address the issues of fathers turning children against mothers.

Parental alienation can take various forms, including brainwashing, denigration, manipulation, and other forms of psychological abuse. The root causes of parental alienation against mothers are often complex and may include conflicts between parents, personal biases, power struggles, child custody disputes, and abusive relationships.

This article will delve into the causes of parental alienation against mothers, the signs to watch for, the devastating effects on children, mothers, and strategies for addressing the issue. Our aim is to raise awareness about the prevalence and consequences of parental alienation against mothers and empower those affected to take action and heal.

Causes of Parental Alienation Against Mothers

Parental alienation against mothers can be caused by a variety of factors, including conflicts between parents, personal biases and beliefs, power struggles, child custody disputes, and abusive relationships.

Conflict between parents

When parents are unable to resolve their conflicts and communicate effectively, it can lead to a breakdown in their relationship and a toxic environment for the child. In some cases, one parent may use the child as a pawn in their ongoing conflict, leading to parental alienation.

Personal biases and beliefs

Personal biases and beliefs can also play a role in parental alienation against mothers. For example, a parent who holds traditional gender roles may view the mother as inferior or less capable, resulting in them manipulating the child to turn against her.

Power struggles

Power struggles between parents can also contribute to parental alienation. A parent may use alienation as a means to gain control or exert power over the other parent, especially during child custody disputes.

Child custody disputes

Child custody disputes can be a major factor in parental alienation, particularly when one parent perceives the other parent as a threat to their custody arrangement. This can lead them to use alienation as a means to undermine the other parent’s relationship with the child.

Abusive relationships

Parental alienation can also occur in abusive relationships, where one parent uses alienation as a means of control or to further abuse the other parent. This can be particularly damaging, as the child is caught in the middle of the abuse and may internalize negative beliefs about the targeted parent.

READ ALSO – How to Deal with Parental Alienation Against Mothers

Signs of Parental Alienation Against Mothers

Identifying the signs of parental alienation against mothers can be challenging, but it’s important in order to take steps to address it. Some of the most common signs include:

  1. Strong and sudden changes in the child’s behavior or attitude towards the mother: This may include the child expressing anger or hatred towards the mother, speaking negatively about her, or refusing to have contact with her.
  2. Brainwashing: The child may repeat negative or false information about the mother as if they have been programmed to believe it. This can be a sign of the other parent’s manipulation and control over the child’s perceptions of the mother.
  3. Denigration: The child may make baseless and extreme criticisms about the mother, such as claiming she is abusive or neglectful, without providing any evidence.
  4. Triangulation: The child may involve a third party, such as a teacher or counselor, in order to reinforce negative beliefs about the mother.
  5. Resistance to contact or reconciliation: The child may resist or refuse to spend time with the mother, or may be resistant to attempts to reconcile with her.
  6. Lack of guilt: The child may show no guilt or remorse for their negative behavior towards the mother, even if it causes her distress.

Effects of Parental Alienation on Mothers

Parental alienation can have serious and long-lasting effects on mothers. Some of the most common effects include:

  1. Psychological distress: Mothers who are subjected to parental alienation often experience significant emotional and psychological distress, including feelings of rejection, abandonment, and hopelessness.
  2. Parent-child relationship damage: The alienation can result in a damaged or broken relationship between the mother and child, causing long-term harm to their bond.
  3. Loss of contact: Mothers may lose contact with their children, either temporarily or permanently, as a result of the alienation.
  4. Financial strain: The legal and emotional costs of addressing parental alienation can be financially draining for mothers, adding to their stress and burden.
  5. Legal consequences: Parental alienation can lead to legal battles and child custody disputes, adding further stress and complications for mothers and children.
  6. Unfair loss of child custody: A study has shown that mothers lost custody to proven abusive fathers 13% of the time, even when the father’s violence was proven in court.

How mothers can deal with parental alienation

Mothers addressing parental alienation can be challenging, but it is possible with the right approach. Some strategies to consider while handling the issue of father turning child against mother include:

  1. Seeking professional help: Working with a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, can be beneficial in addressing parental alienation. They can provide support and guidance to both the mother and child, and help them work toward reconciliation.
  2. Addressing the underlying cause: It’s important to understand and address the underlying cause of the alienation, such as power struggles, abuse, or a custody dispute. Addressing these underlying issues can help prevent further alienation and restore the relationship between the mother and child.
  3. Encouraging communication: Encouraging open and honest communication between the mother and child can help repair their relationship and address the effects of alienation. This may involve therapy or counseling sessions, or simply spending time together in a positive and supportive environment.
  4. Building a support network: Mothers who are dealing with parental alienation may benefit from the support of friends, family, or support groups. Surrounding themselves with positive and supportive individuals can help them through the challenges of alienation and provide them with the emotional and psychological support they need.
  5. Involving legal support: Involving a family law attorney can be helpful in navigating the legal aspects of parental alienation, such as child custody disputes. An attorney can also help mothers protect their rights and relationships with their children. If the issue is severe and you decide to follow the regal route, then you need to have a winning plan. Check the section below.

How mothers can win a parental alienation case in court

Parental alienation can result in a legal battle, with mothers seeking to regain or maintain their relationship with their children. If a mother finds herself in this situation, it’s important to understand what steps she can take to win a parental alienation case in court. Some strategies include:

  1. Building a strong case: Building a strong case involves collecting evidence of the alienation and presenting it to the court. This can include witness statements, emails, text messages, and other forms of documentation.
  2. Working with an experienced attorney: Hiring an experienced family law attorney can be crucial in winning a parental alienation case in court. An attorney can provide guidance, represent the mother in court, and negotiate a favorable outcome on her behalf.
  3. Engaging in therapy or counseling: Both the mother and child may benefit from therapy or counseling sessions to address the effects of the alienation and work towards reconciliation. This can also be used as evidence in court to demonstrate the mother’s commitment to restoring the relationship.
  4. Being proactive: Mothers should be proactive in addressing the alienation, rather than waiting for the court to step in. This may involve reaching out to the child, seeking mediation, or taking other steps to resolve the issue outside of court.
  5. Presenting a united front: If possible, it’s important for mothers to present a united front with their child in court. This can involve working together with the child to present a strong, unified case that demonstrates their commitment to restoring the relationship.

Winning a parental alienation case in court requires a well-prepared and well-executed strategy. By working with an experienced attorney and being proactive in addressing the issue, mothers can increase their chances of success and regain their relationship with their children.


Understanding the causes, signs, and effects of parental alienation, as well as how to deal with them is crucial in addressing the issue and restoring the relationship. With the strategies outlined in this article, mothers can overcome the challenges of father turning child against mother, and regain their relationship with their children.


Deborah Kelly

Deborah Kelly

As a proud single mom who has seen it all, I encourage others by sharing my experiences & curating content on divorce, adoption, child & spousal support. My passion also includes spending quality time with my kids and giving back to my community.

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